Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Starting out late in life

Our society which is unfair to all and sundry has taken its toll on people. The education system is below par.  Students who are supposed to be in school for a particular period of time end up spending more years than expected. Industrial /labour actions like strike is so prevalent, coupled with maladministration in the tertiary institution. And this goes on.

The age barrier is usually used by employers of labour to reduce the number of applicants for applying for job openings . A lot of people are finding it hard to secure their dream job. Even the available jobs cannot go round when compared with number of graduates that are been churned out into the labour market.

A lot people in the labour market realize after some years that their dream jobs may not be forthcoming. Thus with these and other reasons, a lot of people start out in life pretty late. The ladies are mostly affected by this. It’s so depressing for some, while others turn to vices to make ends meet.
The lots who turn to vices find it hard to start legitimate business in a small way. Even a lot are even scared of starting at all stating stigma as reason. For any reading this that falls into any of these categories, it is never too late to start from somewhere.

Perhaps, may be you have to work harder and be more creative to meet up with those who are lucky to secure that job early. Life gives each of us a lot of opportunities and this situation which looks bleak is your opportunity to create so much from nothing. Let’s not forget those who find it tougher in the beginning get it right and get it better in the end.

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