Friday, March 30, 2012

Social Media and Governance

Dear friends. It is quite obvious facebook is becoming boring to some folks. Guess what? I happen to be part of those folks. A lot of people are migrating to other social media most especially twitter. The essence of social media is indeed interaction. As such, it doesn’t matter if it is facebook, linkedin or twitter. Making the best use of all these medium can go a long way in enriching our souls and informing us adequately about all information we may need in our everyday activities.

To digress a little bit; this is not about social media and please don’t read this stuff half way. Endure to read it to the end no matter how unimportant or boring it seems. A lot is happening within the shores of Nigeria and it has been happening right from the days of our independence. Politics as shifted from service to the peasants and the generality of the people; to filling pockets and bank accounts of political office holders. Successive government seems to be breaking the corruption index records of previous government.

My belief until few months ago was that politics is for the corrupt. Please don't be prejudicial or insinuate yet. Politics isn't for the corrupt. We left politics for the corrupt (either they became corrupt therein or they were innately corrupt). The question of which political party to join also comes to mind – those that are not corrupt. As of today in Nigeria, I can't find any political party with clear-cut ideology and manifesto that can and will be truly implemented. Nonetheless, that is not a good reason to still let politics remain with the corrupt. Come to think of it, while in elementary school, we were told we are the future of tomorrow (today). How come we are not in the real sense of it? Is it because we failed to demand for what is ours? There is a popular adage which says ' if you can’t beat them, join them'. However, we don't have to join them. We can create a new order. We can't secure the future of our children with corrupt clueless leaders. Our children must not go through what we are going through. Our children can't be slaves to children of the corrupt capitalist after all the education we strive to give them. 

Why can't we start a small cell within our little locality? Why can't we speak to friends, neighbours and colleagues about shaping the future? We can’t secure the future individually. A united people demanding change in a ward is enough to ouster the councillor. The road will be tough and rough but we can only try. We can't keep complaining when we have not made any effort to correct the anomaly. It is left to you and I. Several of us ignored politics and till date, the corrupt rode on our docility. We left them to do what they like and today the NASS can successfully legalize their own corruption. The corrupt leaders are almost impossible to prosecute as the judiciary now connives with them. Don’t be fooled by cosmetics works and surface paintings on infrastructures. Don’t be fooled by flowers. Don’t be fooled by assisted projects and don’t be fooled by projects which we don’t know the financial implication. Don’t be fooled by sweet words. Don’t be fooled by crumbs being offered to you by politicians or their cronies. I can boldly say that the best state in this country offers less than 10% of what the citizens deserve. We can’t continue this way. We must act. Let’s interact.

Back to social media (after a long digression)
You can follow me on twitter @odeshinabola where a lot is going on or we can interact here too. Let us start asking questions. Let us start making our demands. Nigeria belongs to all of us. Your ignorance or indifference will go a long way in affecting each and every one of us adversely.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Nigeria: Not ripe enough for Arunmah

I had to abstain from making any judgment after I heard and watched with dismay the brickbat that rocked the probe panel set-up by the House of Representatives committee on capital market headed by Herman Hembe. Tensed is an understatement to describe the atmosphere when the Head of the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) accused the head of the probe panel/committee of not only demanding bribe from the commission but also not returning an unutilized estacode. By so doing, she insinuated and questioned how Herman Hembe (who lacked integrity) could question her competence and integrity.

Allegations like the above-mentioned involving bribery have been leveled against most of the members/committees formed by the House of Representatives. Despite such allegations, the resulting drama and the citizen outpour on national dailies and TV, the recommendation of such probe panes like numerous ones before it are swept under the rug. Nigerians, at many instances shown their displeasure and distrust at their lawmakers and members of the House of Representatives. As such, Oteh’s allegations came as no surprise.

The aura of Ms Arunmah Oteh should be something we should all learn from as people who want good governance. Watching her outburst, I saw a woman with knowledge and tact, intelligence and discipline. She is one of the few with competence well above the everyday politician or civil servant whose only achievement is through rigging and corruption. It is sad to say that at this point, our country do not require people of her caliber. She will perform better when we have a functioning check and balance system in place in government.

Certainly, she won’t be dumb to have spent excessively outside the confines of the purported contract. Nonetheless, I would have expected someone of her pedigree and her knowledge of the level of poverty in Nigeria not to have allowed herself to be lured by a society that encourages corruption. Morality demands she lives and spend in a modest manner due to the harsh living condition of the people. Otherwise, she will end up in history with the likes of Goodluck Jonathan who spends N3m on feeding daily.

Like every other drama that has played out, I don’t expect a dent to her political career. Nevertheless the few of us who cherish morality, discipline and patriotism may not forgive her for this blunder.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What we ought to do

A precarious situation does not demand a fire-brigade approach remedial action. Strategic planning can correct every anomaly in a situation subject to if the leader sees such situation has detrimental. A lot has been said about the herculean task shoved on an unwilling president. The president’s performance is a confirmation of the authenticity of the Wikileaks report which claimed the president once said he has no administrative skills. This current leadership would have done more good for itself if it had seen the job as an on-the-job-training. Rather than accept the challenges that comes with leadership, they will rather make use of the opportunity and position to satisfy ethnic gluttons. In the history of Nigeria, the people and especially the presidency have never so much ridiculed the office.

As we rant about the ineptitude and corruption which our rulers see as modus operandi, we fail to look within ourselves for solution. A series of question need be answered with sincerity. Answering these questions will go a long way in shaping the direction the nation will take. Otherwise, we can as well continue in the usual circle of corruption; smiling and suffering; politics of do or die.

What can we do? The social media is awash with different activist today. Information is now at the tip of the fingers. Not a day goes by without a progressive or democrat ranting on TV or the radio. The message is being sent to the government to do the right takes just a decision by someone up there to say ‘I want a turnaround’.  Corruption, ineptitude and other vices in governance could be a thing of the past if office holders have the right vision. The message being put across to us is simple: the war against corruption cannot be won.

What we ought to do? We cannot keep quiet and let the clueless take us on a journey of self-implosion. We must proffer solutions to him and make him see reasons why his strong stance may not be the best and why he has to give room for advice. Let us not forget, that the change cannot start from up there alone. We as a people also need to start correcting the mistakes we have been making for decades. The oil cabals make their wealth from shady oil deals just like the gala hawker will not pray for the pot-holes to disappear because he makes his living there.

The solution to our problem is within the grasp of each one of us, the leader as well as the follower, every one of us should make that commitment within himself to rid corruption in every little way in our daily lives.

The Nigerian Police. My friend, My foe

Whenever i see a policeman on the street, a mixture of feeling sweeps through me. A mixture of anger, pity, sadness and ironically i laugh a times..
There is no point stating what the problem is about them but i still wonder where we can realy heap the blame. Should it be the government, the successive police boss or the individual police himself? One way or the other we must have had an encounter with them.
But what’s the solution to these menace called Nigerian Police Force? People are clamouring for a total overhaul of the security system but without mincing words it’s an herculean task
Cause i can’t imagine laying off the whole lot of them. I said laying off the whole lot because i ask the question, ‘have you ever met a good police officer'?
The average police officer has an inferiority complex with a mind deeply controlled by the spirit of corruption. It’s so sad that we don’t expect anything good from them and even they do something nice we become suspicious of them.. It’s so sad I don’t know if to trust a police is the right thing. I wonder what criterion is being used to recruit them because you wonder how a man or woman who can hardly communicate gets into the force. I used to think a police man should be larger in size than the average man but this is not so. I thought the police was supposed to be smart.
It’s so sad that i don’t even expect them to be bold and selfless. Its normal to see a police man take off his uniform whenever there is a gunshot nearby. Yet we just laugh and say ' who wants to die?'
Many criminals have made their way into the force thereby adding to the increasing number of bad eggs (i doubt if there is any good egg)

A bold step needs to be taken to rid the police of unqualified men. Not only unqualified but those with known history of criminality. Unqualified not only refers to academic qualifications but physical and mental qualities .This rightsizing should be irrespective of position or grade. The same officers in high ranking position came through the same system, so a thorough makeover needs to be done so as to attract intellectual mind into the profession. If this isn’t done, we'll keep having the same kind of irresponsible individuals manning our security in this nation.
The police will continue not to be our friends if the same set of people is in the force......the change starts from each one of us by trying to be a better person and also try to condemn corrupt practices and try as much as possible not to give them bribe.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The collector from Mary

Introducing: Nigerian Government as Bààlè Oshogbò’ a.k.a Kàbiyesi
                   Citizenry as Mary
                   Miscreant/Palace Warden as Koleosho

Bààlè Oshogbò: (Heavily sweating calls out Koleosho)
Koleosho! Koleosho! Have you seen Mary’s new jalopy. She just passed by the palace.
Koleosho: Yes, Kàbiyesi, she is doing very well with her shop.
Bààlè Oshogbò: Indeed, has she paid all her dues?
Koleosho: Beni, Kàbiyesi.
Bààlè Oshogbò: Environmental dues (a sha fun won ni fresh air)?
Koleosho: Yes, Kabiyesi.
Bààlè Oshogbò: Light nko, palace dues, water, security?
Koleosho : Chuckles, Kàbiyesi ooooo, she has paid all. In fact Kàbiyesi, we collect the dues from her even though we don’t provide the services.
Bààlè Oshogbò: O kàre. There must be something else she should pay for. (Thinking…)
Koleosho: What do you have in mind, Kàbiyesi?
Baale Oshogbo: Still thinking…

Imagine the case of individuals whom the responsibility for the provision of their sustenance, welfare and security has been assigned to a Government. The Government, corrupt, inept and non-chalant best describes them. With little or no care from the Government, these individuals strive for a means of sustenance. They resort to the most unfathomable jobs just to survive. Some others amongst them work their fingers to the bone.

At the end of their strife is the irresponsible Government who inhibits these individuals at their place of strife through their goods-seizing, shops-demolishing, funds-collecting official miscreants. One would think what more mischief and oppression can this government cause those it is responsible to? What more trials and tribulations can these individuals be subjected to? Alas, like a thieving tax-collector, the collect all or almost all what these individuals have earned through various means; un-provided services, increased cost of living, expensive basic amenities etc.

These collections are at the very least are supposed to be used to improve citizenry sustenance, welfare and security. However that doesn't happen. Instead, it goes into government extravagancy, lootocracy and mismanagement. Thereafter, the whole cycle continues like the famous Deming cycle. This scenario is what I term 'à gbà lòwò mèèri' - 'the collector from mary.' A gbà lòwò mèèri' is a theme a bit similar to the proverbial Robin Hood. However, in this case the masses (mèèri – translated as the underprivileged in yoruba) are deprived of their earnings through various means.

'A gbà lòwò mèèri, Bààlè Oshogbò’ was one of the yoruba literatures I skimmed through as a child. The scenario described above actually typifies the nature of the ruler of Oshogbò; ‘Bààlè of Oshogbò’. I actually can’t recall the fate of the ‘Bààlè of Oshogbò’ at the end of the story (I didn’t complete the book because of its gbànkò gbi (strong vocabulary) yoruba). But, I am almost certain that it didn’t end well for the Bààlè nor his kinsmen. In actual fact, it couldn’t have ended well.

Wake up! We need not imagine again. Isn’t this an exact replica of the Nigerian Government – Citizenry state of affairs? At times, I ask myself, ‘In what way has this Government added value to our lives despite all the hard-knot problems we are made to go through as citizens everyday just to earn a living and contribute directly or indirectly to our economy?’ I can’t but pray that this Government wakes up to its responsibilities so that it ends well for them.

If you are reading this and/or you are amongst those privileged to have read the book, kindly share your knowledge on the fate of the Bààlè of Oshogbò so that our Government could learn.

Guest Blogger on Truth Hurts: @Ibn_AbdulRahman

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Participative corruption.

Governance in Lagos State is shrouded in so much secrecy. The various construction works going on in some parts of the state meet the aspirations of the people but the government has failed to let the people know the financial implications of such projects. Lagosians don’t even know if there great-grand children will have to pay debts for such projects and no one even knows for sure if the cost of such projects is over-bloated. . The massive works by the Ministry of Environment with the help of several corporate bodies in beautifying Lagos is commendable. A lot of Lagosians applaud the development but how does a beautiful environment positively ameliorate the living standard of the people?
So far the ACN leadership has maintained its huge followership with a method I term ‘participative corruption.’Each and every member of the party directly or indirectly has his hands soiled. Awarding of contracts to card carrying members without recourse to due process and the use of tax payers’ money to fund party function is disheartening.  Employment into the various agencies set up by the Lagos State Government isn’t for the ordinary man but for party members. It is impossible to get any job with Lagos State, its Ministries or agencies without a political connection no matter your level of expertise. The calibre of people in the KAI and LASTMA uniforms says it all. Political office holders at various levels in the state are given free hand, that’s why we don’t have any development at the local government level. The money meant for development is shared amongst them through phoney projects.
A can of worms will be opened should an opposition take the reigns of power in Lagos. The silence of the governor, the controversy surrounding the speaker as well as the open secret of corruption by the CAN national leader is a clue enough to make any right thinking man be critical of the government.

Football should be enjoyed

The final of the Ghana-Nigeria 2000 Nations cup final was a sad night. The Cameroonians were almost humiliating Nigeria at home but thanks to a spirited effort spear-headed by Okocha. It was a final we already won before that night. Fireworks and other side attractions were already in place to celebrate when the trophy will be handed to us. Our heart was shattered by the penalty taken by Ikpeba. It struck the crossbar and crossed the finish line but the referee could not see it. I went to bed that night hoping to wake from my dream. This scenario and several others bring to the fore, the issue of goal line technology.
It is a proposed technology which may help determine when the ball has completely crossed the goal line. It thereby assists the referee in making the right decision. A lot of question need be asked about the proposed technology. I can’t imagine the official waiting or going to the flanks to watch a reply or another official watches and communicates it to the centre referee. Will it finally bring to rest all controversy which otherwise has made football more interesting?
Our quest for right decision is just an indication of our over-zealous attitude towards the sport. I always thought was meant to be enjoyed at leisure but it seems the ills of the society has made soccer our opium thus we want it to be perfect in terms of decision making. Let’s not forget that a little bit of bias makes the game more interesting. Football should be watched to make each one of us happy and not to turn us into enemies all because we are fans of competing teams.

My gains after i became vocal & conscious..

The feelings of a blind man who latter regained his sight cannot be explained with words. Stepping out of the dark is a typical example of such scenario. I have met quiet a number of old friends who ask why i am now politically conscious. Some others insist that I’m being paid or i am eyeing a political post. Those close to me know all these are not true. One of the biggest positives of being interested in governance is the level of information and awareness I have been exposed to. In my over two decade of existence, the last few months have been the most educative; religiously and politically and health wise, i have taken a bigger stride than i have ever taken.
During this short period, i now understand the benefits of information and re-education of oneself. I have also learnt the advantages of taking all information thrown at me and i have developed a keen sense of sieving through to purge out deficient and non-beneficial knowledge. Why must anyone just skip through a piece of news or information all because the heading contradicts what you believe in? We all should learn to go through such news with a mind to get factual information, test our resolve and also with an aim to set the facts right on deficient ones.
A group of people who i term 'educated illiterates' are much more around than the real illiterates. These are the people who claim to be too busy to read beneficial news, articles or information but are more interested in news about dumb artistes who have not impacted their lives positively.
There is no point regretting, but i would have been a far better person if i had met my present version of a person when i was a lot younger. I wish i could reach out to our present teenagers who are definitely off-the-path. Reading can be tedious without interest so its imperative people discover their interest. The urge to know more is what makes people genius. Nobody is born dumb; we all choose to be dumb, smart or brilliant. Let’s all get involved and interested in what affects us, governance, religion, health and others.
 We have our fathers who have been at the elms of affair for so long and yet they did not get it right. This is a time to get informed, learn from their mistakes and correct our orientation. Superstitious beliefs have created enmity within family, but advancement in medical research has shown that some beliefs are not true. On the religious part, there are certainly a lot of things we've been doing the wrong way. Reading and not waiting for opinions of religious heads has helped a lot. What is worth doing is worth doing well and discretion can never be superior to facts in religion.
I don’t expect the educated illiterates to read this article this far. For the few that get to read this, there is a lot we need to do to ginger the reading spirit in folks. The 140 characters on twitter or a post on facebook doesn’t say it all just like the title of a book doesn’t say all about a book.

Friday, March 2, 2012

War brewing in the Middle East

Tehran, Iran has been acting with some shroud of secrecy. This was the same path Baghdad took which lead to the war spear-headed by the United States. The United States accused Saddam Hussein of building Weapon of Mass Destruction. Though, at the time before the war, the United States Intelligence had no evidence of such activities. The only evidence was the reluctance of Baghdad to let in International Atomic Energy Agency officials come into the country for inspection.

Despite no hard evidence, the United State went to war and was supported by some other western countries. Till date, Iraq is still grappling with internal war and the re-building process isn’t anywhere near starting. It’s a similar case with Tehran at present. Perhaps Tehran is trying to become a super power within the region over its uncertain uranium enrichment program.

Israel which is one of the super powers not by its might but from support from other western nations including the United State is ready to confront Iran. The only reason, i opine the USA isn’t taking Tehran seriously at this time is because of their coming election. More so, another war in that region will plunge the whole area back into decades of underdevelopment and rebuilding process.

Almost all nations where in support of the misguided war on Iraq and none of the nation could come out at this time to condemn the United States. Libya and Afghanistan may not recover soon from the wars the United State started on their soil.  How soon do we forget. I still expect the same nations to keep mute or support another unjustified war against Tehran.

Jonah leading by example. Sanusi

Our president recently rewarded ex-militants with juicy positions in his government. It is so shameful when criminals who plunged the nation into so much insecurity are treated like kings. Could it be said that it’s because they belong to same ethnic group with the president? Bigotry is forever present in the hearts our present crop of rulers. Or how do you explain some sentences credited to individuals in important and strategic positions in government? 

The killing of innocent Nigerians in the north isn’t a thing of joy but i feel more grief when the number one citizen says the victims of the terror in the north are the southerners. I wonder if such sentence is meant to unite Nigerians. The leadership has failed to lead by example. I would ordinarily have expected the amnesty programme to be disbanded and ministries such as Niger-delta ministry be scrapped. Such ministry as well as NDDC indicates that Nigerian government favours some ethnic group.

The leadership and its lieutenants dip hands in public fund to score cheap ethnic points amongst people of their ethnic origin. An example is the donation by the central bank governor to victims of terrorism in his home state. Later, after public outrage he donated to victims of terrorism in Madalla. I believe this is an afterthought and remedial action because of the public outcry. 

Ordinarily, I would have raised dust about the action of Sanusi Lamido Sanusi but whenever i look up at the leadership, all I see is someone helping himself and his kinsmen and he doesn’t really care if his lieutenants do same too. 

A lot needs to be done in Nigeria. No matter how righteous one may be, joining this government will taint such person’s righteousness. Sanusi lamido Sanusi is a guilty as his boss and both of them deserve to resign their position to save the integrity of the office they occupy.

Governor IbikunleTroublemaker Amosun

The immediate past governor of Ogun state, the ever smiling Otunba Gbenga Daniel almost personalized all properties and assets of the state. He ruled with an iron fist and indigenes wonder if he ever thought he would leave that position. Eight years looked like eternity at the beginning of his term and he successfully wrote his own name in the bad book of everyone.

Even fellow party members were dissatisfied with his style and it lead to factions within the party which cost the party to lose the state to a candidate no one gave a chance. Rumours from the grapevine suggest that Ibikunle Amosun had an agreement to be the governor once Gbenga Daniel finished his first term.
But since resumption of office by Governor Ibikunle Amosun, he has been renaming all properties of Ogun State back to its original name. 

This is a good step if it is matched with meaningful development in terms of human capital and infrastructure. It’s becoming so irritating with the obvious show of vengeance that the Governor may have personal feud with the ex-governor. I thought the revocation of the certificate of occupancy of OGD's dads’ church was the last. The church was also demolished. Recently there is also the revocation of Certificate of Occupancy of the property OGD's hotel sits on.

I implore the Governor to let sleeping dogs lie and concentrate on taking the state to greater heights rather than chasing shadows