Friday, December 9, 2011

Why there won’t be a revolution in Nigeria.

The current economic hardship been felt by the people coupled by insensitivity of government makes it look like Nigeria may have its own share of uprising against government. This is a country where it is the suffering masses who have to 'tighten their belt' and brace up for more hard times whereas the governing class makes it very important to show off ill-gotten wealth at every opportunity.
There is no gainsaying if I list the achievements and living conditions of Libyans during Ghaddafi era. Egypt which is still in mild turmoil has citizens who have a better living standard. I looked at the scenes of protesters clashing with police and I see beautifully lit streets. They have a functional health system where ambulances are ready to take injured protesters to hospital. I was asked to ask myself what these people want again. Could it be that they lack the basic things? If they lack good governance and basic things then where do we stand as Nigerians?
The former leaders which the Egyptians, Libyans and currently Syria are fighting against have some things in common. They have frozen out western influences on their economy if not totally. These are countries that have enjoyed peace for a long time with a very good economy. What could have provoked the populace to confront the government? Is it because they don’t have the support of the western world? Or because power might shift hand if these once stable nations continue on a part of growth and peace?
We Africans especially Nigerians whose policies are dictated by the western world yet have an awful economy won’t stand against government injustice. Perhaps our stooge leaders are puppets to the 'powers that be' of the world. Maybe the western world has a lot to gain with the state of our nation and economy. We may not experience even non-violent revolution because we are indirectly ruled by some who make so much gain from the current deplorable situation
I expect no revolution, not even a non-violent revolution from lily-livered Nigerians. We are so much pleased with the decay. The corruption means little to us. So, let’s keep castigating the Ghaddafis, the Mubaraks, the Assads and let’s continue to applaud The Jonathans, The Tinubus and also justify all wars by the US and western worlds when its obvious the wars are un-called for.
As it is, i see doom in future, cause the generation of the present youth is wasting away. No one will tell anyone not to wait for his destiny. You go grab it. 

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