Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What we ought to do

A precarious situation does not demand a fire-brigade approach remedial action. Strategic planning can correct every anomaly in a situation subject to if the leader sees such situation has detrimental. A lot has been said about the herculean task shoved on an unwilling president. The president’s performance is a confirmation of the authenticity of the Wikileaks report which claimed the president once said he has no administrative skills. This current leadership would have done more good for itself if it had seen the job as an on-the-job-training. Rather than accept the challenges that comes with leadership, they will rather make use of the opportunity and position to satisfy ethnic gluttons. In the history of Nigeria, the people and especially the presidency have never so much ridiculed the office.

As we rant about the ineptitude and corruption which our rulers see as modus operandi, we fail to look within ourselves for solution. A series of question need be answered with sincerity. Answering these questions will go a long way in shaping the direction the nation will take. Otherwise, we can as well continue in the usual circle of corruption; smiling and suffering; politics of do or die.

What can we do? The social media is awash with different activist today. Information is now at the tip of the fingers. Not a day goes by without a progressive or democrat ranting on TV or the radio. The message is being sent to the government to do the right takes just a decision by someone up there to say ‘I want a turnaround’.  Corruption, ineptitude and other vices in governance could be a thing of the past if office holders have the right vision. The message being put across to us is simple: the war against corruption cannot be won.

What we ought to do? We cannot keep quiet and let the clueless take us on a journey of self-implosion. We must proffer solutions to him and make him see reasons why his strong stance may not be the best and why he has to give room for advice. Let us not forget, that the change cannot start from up there alone. We as a people also need to start correcting the mistakes we have been making for decades. The oil cabals make their wealth from shady oil deals just like the gala hawker will not pray for the pot-holes to disappear because he makes his living there.

The solution to our problem is within the grasp of each one of us, the leader as well as the follower, every one of us should make that commitment within himself to rid corruption in every little way in our daily lives.

1 comment:

  1. nice piece. So onpoint. Thumbs up

