Introducing: Nigerian Government as Bààlè Oshogbò’
a.k.a Kàbiyesi
Citizenry as Mary
Warden as Koleosho
Bààlè Oshogbò: (Heavily sweating calls out
Koleosho! Have you seen Mary’s new jalopy. She just passed by the palace.
Koleosho: Yes, Kàbiyesi, she is doing very well with her shop.
Bààlè Oshogbò: Indeed, has she paid all her
Koleosho: Beni, Kàbiyesi.
Bààlè Oshogbò: Environmental dues (a sha fun won ni fresh air)?
Koleosho: Yes, Kabiyesi.
Bààlè Oshogbò: Light nko, palace dues, water, security?
Koleosho : Chuckles, Kàbiyesi ooooo, she has paid all. In
fact Kàbiyesi, we collect
the dues from her even though we don’t provide the services.
Bààlè Oshogbò: O kàre. There must be something else she should pay for. (Thinking…)
Koleosho: What do you have in mind, Kàbiyesi?
Baale Oshogbo: Still thinking…
Imagine the case of individuals whom the responsibility for the
provision of their sustenance, welfare and security has been assigned to
a Government. The Government, corrupt, inept and non-chalant best describes them.
With little or no care from the Government, these individuals strive for a means
of sustenance. They resort to the most unfathomable jobs just to survive. Some
others amongst them work their fingers to the bone.
At the end of their strife is the irresponsible Government who inhibits these
individuals at their place of strife
through their goods-seizing, shops-demolishing, funds-collecting official
miscreants. One would think what more mischief and oppression can this
government cause those it is responsible to? What more trials and tribulations
can these individuals be subjected to? Alas, like a thieving tax-collector, the
collect all or almost all what these individuals have earned through various
means; un-provided services, increased cost of living, expensive basic
amenities etc.
These collections are at the very least are supposed to be used to improve citizenry sustenance,
welfare and security. However that doesn't happen. Instead, it goes into
government extravagancy, lootocracy and mismanagement. Thereafter, the whole
cycle continues like the famous Deming cycle. This scenario is what I
term 'à gbà lòwò mèèri' - 'the collector from
mary.' A gbà lòwò mèèri' is a theme a bit similar to
the proverbial Robin Hood. However, in this case the masses (mèèri – translated as the underprivileged in yoruba)
are deprived of their earnings through various means.
'A gbà lòwò mèèri, Bààlè Oshogbò’ was one of the yoruba
literatures I skimmed through as a child. The scenario described above actually
typifies the nature of the ruler of Oshogbò; ‘Bààlè of
Oshogbò’. I actually can’t recall the fate of the ‘Bààlè
of Oshogbò’ at the end of the story (I didn’t complete the book
because of its gbànkò gbi (strong vocabulary) yoruba).
But, I am almost certain that it didn’t end well for the Bààlè nor his kinsmen. In actual fact,
it couldn’t have ended well.
Wake up! We need not imagine again. Isn’t this an exact replica of
the Nigerian Government – Citizenry state of affairs? At times, I ask myself, ‘In what way has this Government added value
to our lives despite all the hard-knot
problems we are made to go through as citizens everyday just to earn a living
and contribute directly or indirectly to our economy?’ I can’t but pray
that this Government wakes up to its responsibilities so that it ends well for
If you are reading this and/or you are amongst those privileged to
have read the book, kindly share your knowledge on the fate of the Bààlè
of Oshogbò’ so
that our Government could learn.
Guest Blogger on Truth Hurts: @Ibn_AbdulRahman
D government are like pharaoh who's heart has been hardened. Baale oshogbo will not stop collecting from meeri until he perish. Likewise d government, who can c in front of them their responsibility and refuse to do them. Who told BRF wat to do b4 he said ge want to make Lagos a mega city. They will meet their doom one day.