Monday, April 2, 2012

Faulty keyboard

If your writing is as terrible as mine, you’ll definitely not enjoy writing. I find it difficult (and friends too) to read most of the things I write. The only saving grace I have to be able to read what I write is to keep read it immediately I finish the writing. I am sure my poor writing contributed to my lower in examinations where I thought I ought to have performed better than my result.

My exposure to the computer system saved me lots of troubles I experienced due to bad writing. Hardly again will you find me with pen and papers. My keyboard has been a close friend closest to my thoughts through my fingers. As every technology has its associated risk, my love for keyboards is being tainted by some of its problems.

If your computer system has ever visited the quack engineer you’ll understand my plight. What could be more annoying than wrongly arranged key pads on a keyboard? You have to click on every pad to find out the particular alphabet or symbol you want. For those who are typing experts, the result will be lots of typos which they never thought they’ll make. Proof reading and searching for the right pad wastes a lot of precious time that can be dedicated to some other things.

What if the keyboard is faulty and some pads are stubborn or keep working just by the touch of at the gentle breeze? I have been slapping and blowing tiny particles from my keyboard for months now. The slapping sometimes attracts remarks from friends who tell me to ‘take it easy’. It’s only a lazy man that fights or complains about his tools. Yes I am lazy and I accept. Now you want me to slap the keyboard harder?

I refuse to let any other quack tamper with the ill health of my computer system. The exorbitant repair charge and duration of leaving it at the service centres is also a turn-off. I will hold on to my dearest and continue giving her little slaps to align its brain to do my bid.

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